Hüpoteetilis-deduktiivse meetodiga liinitööliste ning keskastmejuhtide kasvava kiilaspäisuse probleemile lähenedes pakkus Scientific American aastal 1872 välja geniaalse lahenduse – kasutada paberist volditud mütse:
” It is a noticeable fact that in workshops and factories where numbers of men are employed, a large percentage of the operatives will be found to be prematurely bald. If the cause of this affliction be sought, it will be traced to the pernicious habit of continually wearing the close cap or hat, thus keeping the scalp at an unnatural heat and shutting off from it all ventilation. The hair under such treatment is, as a matter of course, weakend, and, decaying at the roots, falls out in large quantities.”
Allkirjeldatu kujunes ka laste paberivoltimise pühapäeva populaarsemaiks mudeliks, seljatades kõik muud volditud maalrimütside kullafondi kuuluvad klassikud.