… Gateway Sweden, Vilnius e-Municipality, SparkNet and OpenSpark
Auhindu üle andes ka järgmised kommentaarid:
Gateway Sweden is an excellent example of how mobile phone services
can be used in a modern customs declaration service to offer fast and
easy border crossings for traders. It stimulates international trade
and offers a win win to all stakeholders. For this Gateway Sweden
received most votes from to jury and wins the main award in the Baltic
Challenge 2006.
Vilnius e-Municipality has studied many other citizen e-services
projects outside Lithuania. From these experiences the Vilnius
e-Municipality has implemented an impressive system that offers more
than 200 standardized municipal services, all using a single counter
principle. It is a fine example of a model that can be replicated both
within and outside Lithuania. The jury has selected Vilnius
e-Municiaplity to be the winner of the Governance and Administration
award in the Baltic Challenge 2006.
The SParknet and OpenSpark project presents a very innovative and
cost effective solution for buildning large Wi-Fi networks. It is a
pioneering technology and model for building public wireless networks
by inviting different organisations to build pieces of the network
rather than setting up their own private networks. This is a project
with great future potential for all consumers of internet services.
The jury has selected SParknet and OpenSpark as the winner of the
e-inclusion award in the Baltic Challenge 2006.