Dani postitused, millele viitad, on olemas, kuid minu jaoks halvemini argumenteeritud, kui GreenMyApple omad. Dan ei paku ta lahendusi vaid on rahul asjade praeguse seisuga. Mina soovin, et Apple oleks maailma rohelisim kõrgtehnoloogiaettevõte. Esimene hea asi, mis juhtunud, on näiteks GreenMyApple survel (?) muutunud Apple Keskkonnapoliitika (mis pikka aega tõepoolest oli avalikult juhitud (ning teenimas) nende turunduskommunikatsiooni poolt – vt praegust http://www.apple.com/environment/
Greenpeace on tüüpiline hirmutamise vahend. Jah, on ka häid näiteid nende tegevusest, aga enamasti hirmutatakse inimesi rahakotiraudu valla laskma ja neile annetama. http://www.energybulletin.net/320.html, loe palun see läbi ja mõtle, kui palju kahju on greenpeace teinud.
Although I do respect Greenpeace for their pioneering work with environmental issues, I must say that I have grown increasingly worried about their attitude and methods over the last few years. They are aggressively recruiting new members with “chuggers” (charity muggers) or face-to-face campaigners here in Helsinki.
This particular campaign really pushes it over the top for me, though. Apple has a extremely well articulated environmental policy (see http://www.apple.com/environment/materials/ for example) and they have worked hard to decrease packaging waste among other things over the last to two decades. Their product cycle and lifespan is longer than with most other
I find it baffling that Greenpeace is ranking companies based on their sample research of a few products of the entire product line. I find it unfair that they are launching a campaign like this without looking at the big picture with Apple’s environmental policy. Their campaign background info page at http://www.greenmyapple.org/itox.html has a quote “Power has never been this much fun”. That is a statement and attitude I simply can’t agree with.
Miks aidata, mis viga? Eriti kui lugeda Greenpeace “huvitavast” taktikast näiteks siit:
Dani postitused, millele viitad, on olemas, kuid minu jaoks halvemini argumenteeritud, kui GreenMyApple omad. Dan ei paku ta lahendusi vaid on rahul asjade praeguse seisuga. Mina soovin, et Apple oleks maailma rohelisim kõrgtehnoloogiaettevõte. Esimene hea asi, mis juhtunud, on näiteks GreenMyApple survel (?) muutunud Apple Keskkonnapoliitika (mis pikka aega tõepoolest oli avalikult juhitud (ning teenimas) nende turunduskommunikatsiooni poolt – vt praegust http://www.apple.com/environment/
Greenpeace on tüüpiline hirmutamise vahend. Jah, on ka häid näiteid nende tegevusest, aga enamasti hirmutatakse inimesi rahakotiraudu valla laskma ja neile annetama. http://www.energybulletin.net/320.html, loe palun see läbi ja mõtle, kui palju kahju on greenpeace teinud.
Although I do respect Greenpeace for their pioneering work with environmental issues, I must say that I have grown increasingly worried about their attitude and methods over the last few years. They are aggressively recruiting new members with “chuggers” (charity muggers) or face-to-face campaigners here in Helsinki.
This particular campaign really pushes it over the top for me, though. Apple has a extremely well articulated environmental policy (see http://www.apple.com/environment/materials/ for example) and they have worked hard to decrease packaging waste among other things over the last to two decades. Their product cycle and lifespan is longer than with most other
I find it baffling that Greenpeace is ranking companies based on their sample research of a few products of the entire product line. I find it unfair that they are launching a campaign like this without looking at the big picture with Apple’s environmental policy. Their campaign background info page at http://www.greenmyapple.org/itox.html has a quote “Power has never been this much fun”. That is a statement and attitude I simply can’t agree with.