Aug302015x-FeedPööninguleid Interneti eelsest ajast – telegramm ema 50ks juubeliks, aasta oli 1983 Author: Allar Viik Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Tweet: These red dots are actual wild strawberries at Haa…NextNext post:Tweet: Trk. “O”. Koop.”TOMUS”. Tir. 20 000. Hind 25 kop….Related postsTweet: #Sensus Smart Guitar Demo @EITDigital Graduation p…26 Nov, 2016Tweet: Great to speak at dream come true event for former…26 Nov, 2016Tweet: Tõejärgne? hetkel veel ei…18 Nov, 2016Tweet: Objekt aastast 2010, püüe kohvilauas sõnastada Ees…15 Nov, 2016Tweet: Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation full version availa…15 Nov, 2016Tweet: Routine Q from BG: “What is your purpose of the vi…15 Nov, 2016