FreedomHouse: Countries perfor…
FreedomHouse: Countries perform generally better with Freedom of the Net thank Freedom of the Media. Short term miracle?
FreedomHouse: Countries perform generally better with Freedom of the Net thank Freedom of the Media. Short term miracle?
Accessing gives still the same response in Istanbul as two years ago…
Ankara 1. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi’nin, 05.05.2008 tarih ve 2008/402 nolu KORUMA TEDBİRİ kapsamında bu internet sitesi ( hakkında…
Speaking on Mobile Monday Summit 2010 #MMsummit
Dr. Mazlan Binti Othman of UNOOSA strong candidate to become official contact person for outer space civilizations
For every Apple iPhone Nokia sells two of it’s smartphones.
NY Times takes deep dive into Nokia corporate culture
eLearning newsletter interview reveals lots of unknown facts about me :)
Stuxnet, utilizing 4 zero-day exploits, targeting PLC based industrial machinery, USB distr. New level in cyber threats
Estonian IT Foundation announces opening of the post – rector of the Estonian IT College
Monty Pythons SPAMALOT now in Scandinavia
Cyber Defense courses starting at Estonian IT College from Nov 2010 onwards
Well done Andres: A History of the Baltic States (Palgrave Essential Histories)
Vivian Reding et al today #LisbonCouncil Unleashing the Digital Single Market summary and presentation
Reding: Data Protection and Consumer Rights policies are central to Digital Single Market success in EU #lisboncouncil
Reding: Recalls speech from July 2009 on Digital Europe #lisboncouncil
Hustinx, Key: Competition is enforcement tool, also in context of Digital Single Market #lisboncouncil
With Diversity Comes Innovation: Interview with Linnar Viik
Forum Ekonomicznego w Krynicy: Czy wyborcy mogą uczestniczyć w planowaniu budżetu?
US Open takes every year place a) on my most hectic season and b) in unappropriate time zone. Jet lagged all week