98% of new companies created i…
98% of new companies created in Estonia in 2011 over Internet. Only 389 new companies on paper and analog channels.
98% of new companies created in Estonia in 2011 over Internet. Only 389 new companies on paper and analog channels.
99,8% of companies in 2011 in Estonia submitted their annual report over Internet. Remaining 232 companies deserve lifestyle award :)
Reaalkooli vilistlastepäev nagu iga jaanuari viimasel laupäeval. Aleksander Prikk muideks 85! Kava http://t.co/7XdTdRDp
Daniel Vaarik: miks karta ACTA-t ja SOPA-t http://t.co/3OLyFFBn ERR Arvamus
KuukulgurFilmi kultuslikud e-riigi reklaamvideod täies mahus Youtubes http://t.co/M3Mzn4uO
Kelvingis 2 km valgustatud vabatehnika külasuusarada avatud. Aasta esimesed 10 km kirjas :)
Time for annual EFF donation https://t.co/7pQWCzEV
AmCham 2011 Estonian American Innovation Award http://t.co/cFiiuLQ3 goes to Grabcad http://t.co/gkpCraFJ Congrats to all finalists.
4 mails asked for leake source of THllves article in estonian todays Diplomaatia (original in english expected April 2012 Policy Review)
Östen Mäkitalo award for telecom pioneers open – submit your candidates http://t.co/SSs8cimr
Jõulukuusk ka sel aastal riigimetsast ja maksa selle eest mobiiliga http://t.co/R5Cwt5Q8
Welcome Chris Stone as the next president of the Open Society Foundations http://t.co/ZjkKHnyG
IT Agentuur värbab – taotluste esitamine 21. detsembrini http://t.co/uHpbHObs
IT Agentuuri tegevdirektori (AD14 tase) kohale saab avaldusi esitada 22. detsembrini http://t.co/yUHRLK1t
Triple championship to IT College teams on Robotex2011.
RT @linnarviik: IT College: EC DG INFSO going local seminar – straight talk on EU Digital Agenda video http://t.co/b9Zig2K8
Live from IT College: EC DG INFSO going local seminar – straight talk on EU Digital Agenda http://t.co/ZOXhaIpo
Palun mitte tülitada kettkuulujutuga teemal “Kas Google ikka kolib oma serverid Eestisse?”