“Mulle meeldib see lugu niiiii…
“Mulle meeldib see lugu niiiiiiväga, et mul on aipoodis sellest kolm koopiat”, neiu breketites sõbrannale breketites
“Mulle meeldib see lugu niiiiiiväga, et mul on aipoodis sellest kolm koopiat”, neiu breketites sõbrannale breketites
Levira Digital Broadcasting Conference http://t.co/Ix8nqvS started with splendid analysis of Arvo Pärt algorithmic by Jeffers Engelhardt
Found simple digital capture , store and share service , kind of social scrapbook – http://www.remby.com
Movers and Shakers in Sports & Leisure of amazon.co.uk – baseball bats and telescopic tonfa http://amzn.to/q7ji4U
Strand Consult skeptic about mobile operators ability to make NFC /SIM sustainable credit card replacement model http://bit.ly/hjSuI4
Inimkatsetatud ja -tõestatud: Sääsed kasvatavad metsmaasikaid inimeste püüdmise eesmärgil.
HTM esitas eelnõude infosüsteemi http://bit.ly/pSOHYJ kõrgharidusreformi seadusmuudatuste paketi koos seletuskirjaga
Speaking at MIT SDM http://sdm.mit.edu/ on social and cultural aspects of technology diffusion, focus on eGovernment enabling factors
IT College best Diploma thesis 2011 selected – Indrek Ots “THE USE OF SMART CARDS ON MOBILE DEVICES” http://bit.ly/lZbobs
Jamiroquai highly probable setlist tonight in Tallinn similar to Rotterdam and Santiago – setlist, lyrics and videos http://bit.ly/jWTw9g
IT Kolledzi lõputööde kaitsmised otseülekandes tänasest nädala lõpuni k 9-17 igal päeval http://bit.ly/lg1IqF
China admits it has a commando unit of 30 cyberwarriors: http://t.co/15IRikB via @techspot
Kõrgkoolide vilistlaste uuring – päris shokeeriv lugemine enamusele kõrgkoolidest ja kõrghariduse korraldajatest – pdf http://bit.ly/jwQfrk
It costs 3K€ to send out 100M e-mail spam. Payback with 30 ViAG3a orders. Micronetwork economics.
Estonian IT College now LPI Approved Academic Partner (LPI-AAP) http://lpi.org/
Welcome Tiit Roosmaa http://bit.ly/mRXpbl elected as Rector to Estonian IT College http://www.itcollege.ee/ for next 5 years
Today elections of the Rector of Estonian IT College. Good luck and sharp mind to 4 candidates – all equally good to take over the office
Cabo Verde http://youtu.be/VDpjkX0y6-E Isso é que é força de vontade!
Welcome José Manuel Leceta! New EIT Director appointed http://eit.europa.eu