Agência para a gestão operac…
Agência para a gestão operacional de sistemas informáticos de grande escala no domínio da liberdade, da segurança e da justiça na Estónia
Agência para a gestão operacional de sistemas informáticos de grande escala no domínio da liberdade, da segurança e da justiça na Estónia
e-mail lottery scams seem to suffer from recession – “You have won!” sums that usually were around €10 million are this year all below €1M
Trade imbalance – 45% of containers exported from New York ports are empty. Destination of empty containers – ports in China.
Not just GDP, real estate price and size of candy, also the average size of toilet paper has been shrinking with economic crisis by 10%
Unusually heavy NE Monsoon rains have standstilled Colombo. Boats in front of hotel Sheraton instead of tuktuk taxi
XV Open Society Forum speakers – Yulia Latynina and Oleg Kozlovsky
Open Estonia Foundation’s XV Open Society Forum „Moscow’s Wars for Influence“ LIVE Nov 4, from 2 pm EST @
Eesti IKT sektori tootlus paraneb (rohkem käivet vahesemate töötajatega), kuid siiski madal OECD riikide võrdluses #visioon2010
Top Research Universities in EU – 1 academic staff:1 non-academic staff:1 PhD student:10 students:10K€ research budget per student pa
The League of European Research Universities new advice paper – Universities, research and the ‘Innovation Union”
Speaking @BBC Europe Today on Tier1 Risks – Cyber Threats and UK National Security Strategy
Just released: UK National Security Strategy: “A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncertainty”
Online broadcasting of Chopin Competition 2010 – Nobel Prize for pianists (but only every 5 years)
Jordan, Finland, Estonia – three countries with no public telephone booths.
100% of my students are using Skype (group chat + voice) to collaborate on group works and Google Docs to create joint materials. news – thnx for fixing the ministers communication accident on EST to host EU IT agency after deal with France
Estonia to host EU IT agency after deal with France – severe communication accident?
FreedomHouse: Countries perform generally better with Freedom of the Net thank Freedom of the Media. Short term miracle?
Accessing gives still the same response in Istanbul as two years ago…
Ankara 1. Sulh Ceza Mahkemesi’nin, 05.05.2008 tarih ve 2008/402 nolu KORUMA TEDBİRİ kapsamında bu internet sitesi ( hakkında…